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タイトル Final circular and call for papers-APCFS 2018-Xi'an (excerpted version)
配信日時 2018年09月01日 21時09分14秒
配信元 材料力学
本文 材料力学部門登録者各位

                    一般社団法人 日本機械学会
                    材料力学部門部門長 多田直哉

The 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength (APCFS2018)



Session 1: Structural Design, Optimal Design, Multiphysics
Session 2: Damage Mechanics, Fracture Mechanics
Session 3: Experimental Technique, Characteristic Evaluation
Session 4: Fatigue Strength, Fatigue Crack
Session 5: Non Destructive Inspection
Session 6: Strength at Elevated Temperature
Session 7: Environmental Strength, Corrosion
Session 8: Friction and Wear
Session 9: Biomaterial, Biomechanics
Session 10: Light Metals and Alloys, Composite Materials
Session 11: Adhesion, Adhesive, Bonding
Session 12: Welding, Joint
Session 13: Coating and thin Films, Micro/Nano Mechanics
Session 14: Smart Material and Structures, Health Monitoring
Session 15: Impact Problem, Dynamic Problem

Abstract Submission
Contributions are solicited for the original works related to the main topics included in 15 sessions of this conference. Abstracts of about 150-300 words should be submitted to http://www.apcfs2018.com/dct/page/1 not later than Sep. 15, 2018. The abstracts should contain the paper title, the authors’ names and affiliations, as well as email address.

Full Paper Submission and Publication
The received full paper manuscript will be reviewed and about 20 selected papers will be recommended to be published in the journal of Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) as a special issue.

Contact us
Prof. Jian-Feng YANG, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Tel: +86-13772023363
E-mail: yang155@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
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