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タイトル 特別講演会(札幌地区)開催のご案内
配信日時 2019年12月17日 14時39分43秒
配信元 北海道支部
本文 日本機械学会北海道支部
支部会員 各位

                      北海道支部 支部長 花島 直彦




日 時 : 2019年12月24日(火)  14:45~15:45
場 所 : 北海道大学大学院工学研究院・工学部 A1-17室 札幌市北区北13条西8丁目
演 題 : 「From Biology to Technology」
講 師 : Dr. Aimee Sakes, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
講演内容 : Nature offers a wide-range of solutions to challenges we
currently face in technology. Lessons from nature can be
translated into innovations in the fields of products, organisational
forms and processes. When using nature as inspiration we learn
from a system that has developed resilience, adaptability and
efficiency over centuries. This is also called bio-inspired design.
Nature constantly seeks new equilibria and actively responds to
change. Biomimicry involves knowledge development of natural
functions, models, systems and strategies and the translation of
this knowledge into practical applications to drive innovation.
Rather than focusing on the separate links, it is important that the
entire chain is visualised during the process. This integrated
approach rests on the fact that everything is connected and
balanced in nature. In this talk I will discuss several interesting
mechanisms and principles that animals use. I will then go into
how to translate these principles into man-made prototypes.
I will give examples of devices we have developed in our group.

お問い合わせ先 : 東藤 正浩 北海道大学大学院工学研究院人間機械システムデザイン部門
Tel&Fax: 011-706-6404, Email: todoh@eng.hokudai.ac.jp
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