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熱工学部門 部門長 鹿園 直毅
PSFVIP-14 ニュージーランド (2024/11/27-29)に関するご案内が現地実行委員会から届いておりますのでお送りします.
14th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing
November 27-29, 2024 at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Abstract & Paper Submissions
27th September: 1 page Abstract submissions due
25th October: Abstract acceptance notifications sent
15th November: Extended Abstract (2pages) submissions due
Registration Dates:
27th September: Advanced registrations end
1st November: Regular registrations end
Registration Costs:
Advanced Registration Full (before 28th September) NZ$750
Advanced Registration Student (before 28th September) NZ$500
Regular Registration Full (before 2nd November) NZ$850
Regular Registration Student (before 26th October) NZ$600
Late/On-site Registration (excludes gala dinner) NZ$800
国内問合せ先:東京電機大学 染矢聡(some@mail.dendai.ac.jp)
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee, it is our sincere
pleasure to invite you to participate in the 14th Pacific Symposium on
Flow Visualization and Image Processing at the University of
Canterbury, New Zealand from the 27th-29th of November, 2024. This is
an in-person event, and follows from earlier meetings in the series,
and is conducted under the auspices of the Pacific Center of
Thermal-Fluids Engineering (PCTFE).
The objective of this Symposium is to provide an opportunity for
researchers and engineers in all areas of flow visualization, image
processing and related techniques to exchange knowledge and new
experience in the spirit of collaboration and friendship. Papers
dealing with current research ranging from fundamental principles and
techniques to applications on the above topics are appropriate.
The conference website is: https://event.fourwaves.com/psfvip14/ and
it is open for registrations and submissions.
For any queries, please contact: psfvip2024@canterbury.ac.nz
Ngā mihi nui,
Conference Chair
John Cater, University of Canterbury |